Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mistakes and a woman driver

I reached a junction where there was a traffic snarl; the car in front of me found its way and steered left. Just as I thought I could follow, I realized the mini truck that was almost in front of me. One of us had to make a decision to back out else the snarl would have worsened. Since I had the space I chose to steer extreme left; just then someone came yelling! I was just above a big pothole, big enough to cause excessive damage. In my effort to play the ‘Good Samaritan’ I had messed up. Now I was stuck in a situation where any wrong move would land me in a hole ;). Being a new driver I was terrified. As I was weighing my options a man got down from his wheel and came towards me. He asked me to get out and he drove my car to safety. It was obvious that he was a well experienced driver. As he got out, I thanked him. His comment "Why do you woman drive if you don’t know how to?" I smiled and let it be.

Everyone has an opinion and a clichéd one at that! I have stopped trying to change the world and its inhabitants a long time back. Yes, it was my mistake, I ought to have paid attention to the left side of the road before I chose to steer extreme left....but does that mean I sinned. I would have appreciated a comment/rebuke asking me to drive carefully but a comment like that is what I generally get. I have got used to it and am on my way to get immune.

Every situation like this reminds me to have an open mind! A mind that's not biased....biased on the basis of sex, caste, age, and so many other things. It also reminds me to allow people around me to make mistakes. I need to learn to rebuke them so that they learn from their mistakes but not threaten them with "I told you so....” By threatening them to never make mistakes I thwart their growth. After all there are very few mistakes that are actually sins, most of the others for which we generally blow our top are very momentary. And if we choose a wrong reaction at that moment it may end up in a lot of negativity. What could be worse than my comment denting the confidence of the person to an extent that s/he never tries again?

I am just glad the driver helped me. I am choosing to ignore his comments with a firm thought that I have to learn to keep a keen eye on the left side of the road. And that can be done irrespective of me being a woman ;)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

just like that

Solitude; a place i visit's been my den when I am stuck by a strong emotion.....this time its fear and relief together...fear of what next and relief of letting go what was never mine. For a gregarious person like me it’s amazing how I can talk in riddles even to myself......when i start to hear what i want to, my mind steps in and makes me hear what i should. No complains against the mind who manages to pull me out of deep anxiety every now and then...

Terribly scared but still looking forward......somehow that is the only direction that has ever made sense to me.....yeah that’s my mind working again ;)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Two worlds

On the way to our team outing we went to see an unfinished house belonging to a colleague. The beautiful villa amidst many others cost him tons of money. His logic of investing a fortune in the house made sense. He wanted to move away from the madness of the city and stay in a gated community which had secured places for his son to play. The villa was exactly what he wanted. Although I cannot afford the house today it didn’t stop me from imagining what it would be to own such a big and beautiful house. With that thought I left the place.

On my way back from office I stopped to collect my clothes from the ironing lady. I saw Shruti, the lady's daughter crying hysterically. On inquiring I got to know that Shruti wanted to go and play in the nearby park but her mother wanted her to fold the ironed clothes. The lady was running behind schedule in delivering her daily orders. Nevertheless Shruti was not relenting and was busy sulking and crying in the corner. Unable to help either of them I left.

My thoughts earlier in the day came flooding back. On one side I knew a person who was buying a house with playgrounds et al. for his son to have a secured playing experience. On another side was a mother who couldn't let her kid play in a municipal park because she needed help to complete her work which would earn them their dinner. We sure live in a divided world! By the time I slept I was too thankful for all that I had.