Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Puneri - To the Tee

I was near this shop waiting for a friend when there came a man and asked me the route to reach Mumbai. I didnt know it and I told him so. He looked around to see if anyone else could help him. There came 3 young men who gave him many different routes. They seemed to be very helpful as each one of them drew maps explaining why one route was better than another one. However, the man who had asked the route seemed to be worried about something or the other and kept saying things like "he tar khoop laamb aahe, ugach petrol kharcha honar" (This one is a long route, I will waste the fuel), "Ithe khoop traffic jaam asnaar"(This route genrally has traffic snarls), etc.

Hearing this the shopkeeper resorted to an irritated expression and blurted out loudly - "ek kaam kara, chalat suta......petrol hi vachnaar aani traffic jaam hi nahin lagnaar" (Why dont you just start walking, you wont face any snarls and no petrol needed either). Everyone burst out laughing as the poor chap got his dose of Puneripana ;)

1 comment:

Pappul said...

hahahah ... encountered something similar ... though very senti ... some days back ... nice puneri dark humor to start the day with ... :)